
In-Home Dates vs. Mail Dates… What is the Best Strategy?

In-Home Dates vs. Mail Dates… What is the Best Strategy?

Some catalogers prefer mailings that are based on in-home dates. Other use mail dates. From my experience, many times, there is confusion over which strategy to employ and why. Some catalogers tend to use these terms interchangeably while significant differences exist...

How to Select a Vendor for Your Catalog Business

How to Select a Vendor for Your Catalog Business

Selecting a marketing vendor such as a printer, list broker or consultant does not sound like a difficult task. But, how do you know you are selecting the “right” vendor for your business. The relationship you have with vendors, particularly with your printer is...

How To Prospect Effectively For New Buyers

How To Prospect Effectively For New Buyers

Catalogers need to prospect for new buyers in order to grow their business. It’s expensive. And, most catalog companies prospect at an incremental loss (defined as net sales minus cost-of-goods sold minus direct selling expenses = incremental breakeven).  Even so,...

How to Prepare for What’s Ahead

How to Prepare for What’s Ahead

Standard “A” postage rates should be a concern to all catalogers. After all, postage expense represent over 40% of total direct selling expenses (please refer to the chart below). DIRECT SELLING EXPENSES TO NET SALES RATIOS DIRECT SELLING EXPENSES CONSUMER B-to-B   ...

How to Make Promotional Offers Work

How to Make Promotional Offers Work

Free Shipping! 50% Off! Save! Free Gift with Order. These are all common statements which inspire people to order. And, order they do. Obviously, promotional offers work. They increase orders and gross revenue. Which offers work best? When and how to use offers...

How to Increase Outside List Performance

How to Increase Outside List Performance

Adding new buyers is critical to any catalog business. At a minimum catalogers need to replace buyers lost due to attrition. A lack of prospecting to outside lists will cause a reduction in the size of the housefile and start a downward spiral often difficult to...

15 Tips for Working from Home Successfully

15 Tips for Working from Home Successfully

While many organizations have been offering more part-time (and sometimes full-time) work from home arrangements for employees in recent years, COVID-19 has really accelerated arrangement. Not so much an option as a necessity, working from home is allowing many...

5 Email Tests You Should Be Doing, But Probably Aren’t

5 Email Tests You Should Be Doing, But Probably Aren’t

Have you ever gotten an email and thought “Wow, that’s exactly what I was looking for”? Chances are, the marketing gods were looking over you and knew exactly what you wanted and where you wanted to see it. Well, not exactly, but it sure seems like it sometimes. This...

5 Tips for an Effective (and Memorable) Welcome Email

5 Tips for an Effective (and Memorable) Welcome Email

Automated email is one of the top suggested marketing trends today. From cart abandonment emails to product review emails, automation is one of the key steps to a successful customer journey. I’d like to focus on one of the first interactions you have with your...