5 Tips for an Effective (and Memorable) Welcome Email

Automated email is one of the top suggested marketing trends today. From cart abandonment emails to product review emails, automation is one of the key steps to a successful customer journey. I’d like to focus on one of the first interactions you have with your subscribers: The Welcome Email. Not only does your Welcome Email set the tone of your brand, it is also an opportunity to convert your new subscriber into a purchaser … more quickly. Here are 5 crucial tips for creating an effective and memorable Welcome Email:

  1. Be prompt: There’s nothing like waiting on an email to come through, especially if there’s a coupon code within. Be sure your Welcome Email is set to deploy immediately after a person subscribes. Treat this email like a first date. You wouldn’t want to be late on a first date, but more so, you don’t want to keep your date waiting.
  2. Creative Content: This could be the first interaction with a new subscriber, so put your best foot…err…content forward. Take this moment in email time to introduce elements about your brand that are unique. Be creative in your approach by adding captivating images, interesting animations (eh hum, GIFs) or engaging copy and CTAs buttons.
  3. Give Direction (aka: Call to Action): Along with your creative content, be sure you give clear direction on what you’d like your subscriber to do after receiving the Welcome Email. If there’s a promotion involved have a clear CTA button ready for them to click through back to your website to purchase. No promotion? That’s no problem! Lead them to high traffic webpages (i.e. Best Sellers). And, don’t forget about your social media channels and blog. They are great platforms for communicating your brand’s personality.
  4. Ask questions: All marketers want to know their consumer better. A Welcome Email could be your solution for getting to know their interests for better targeting in the future. By asking questions like, “In what are you most interested”, you could segment your list and send your subscribers targeted products that exactly align with their interests.
  5. Subject Line: Keep your subject line clear and concise. Many times, subscribers glance right over lengthy subject lines because it takes too much time to read. You don’t have long to catch your subscribers’ attention so keep your character count to a minimum.

In the end, it comes down to how you present your first correspondence between you and your subscriber. Take some time this week to evaluate your Welcome Email with these 5 tips in mind. If you don’t have an automated Welcome Email set up yet, we’d be happy to discuss how to get started!