
Using Site Search for Better Merchandising and Promotion

Using Site Search for Better Merchandising and Promotion

While it seems a bit premature to start discussing the holiday ramp-up for e-commerce sites, the reality is that, depending on the type of merchandise you carry, you may need a good amount of lead time to ensure your inventory is stocked and ready for promotion. Of...

Website Functionality – It Matters

Website Functionality – It Matters

With so many marketers discussing brand ad nauseum, I wanted to take a moment to discuss website functionality. Over the past few years, we have witnessed an explosion of new ways for the consumer to interact with websites for what is touted as a seamless customer...

The Complete Website Migration Checklist for SEO

The Complete Website Migration Checklist for SEO

The eventual website migration to a new platform or content management system (CMS) is arguably the most arduous task associated with being online. Even if you flawlessly execute the technical functionality aspect of a website migration, you can still have the bottom...

The Art of Generating More Google Reviews

The Art of Generating More Google Reviews

A great majority of potential customers trust Google reviews posted by complete strangers just as much as they would a personal recommendation by a friend. Considering this, the challenge becomes creating a strategy to get your customers to leave a review on Google....

Website Migration and 301 Redirects

Website Migration and 301 Redirects

For e-tailers of all sizes, maintaining an up-to-date and optimally-functioning website is of paramount importance. As such, it is sometimes necessary to move on from your current platform to one that better suits your business model and objectives. There is no...

The Anatomy of a #1 Google Result

The Anatomy of a #1 Google Result

There are many perks to having the #1 result in Google. You get the lion's share of the clicks. You bolster your PPC efforts. You are first in line to garner more links. Then there is the revenue stream that comes from monetizing the traffic from that #1 result. It's...

What We are Seeing on Facebook with the iOS14 Update

What We are Seeing on Facebook with the iOS14 Update

After several contentious months between Apple and social platforms, the most outspoken being Facebook, the iOS14 update rolled out. On April 26th the new rules of the update started to be enforced throughout social media. A quick refresher, iOS14 prompts a user to...

What You Should Know about Promotional Offers

What You Should Know about Promotional Offers

Promotional strategy differs from the house file vs. prospects vs. the web. It also varies from 1x only to 2 and more time buyers. For example, offers to prospects (non-buyers) need to be more aggressive in order for them to bite. The same is true for the web where...

The ABCs of Conversion: Always Be Closing

The ABCs of Conversion: Always Be Closing

My very first job after graduating college with my Master's Degree was selling vacuum cleaners. Sounds cliché, doesn't it? At the time, I took what was available while looking for something a little more lucrative. What I didn't realize at the time, however, was that...