
Why Your Page Titles Are Terrible (and How to Fix Them)

Why Your Page Titles Are Terrible (and How to Fix Them)

One of the first areas an SEO Manager will look at for optimization opportunities is your page titles (sometimes also referred to as meta titles). There are several good reasons for this. The first reason is that your page titles are often the very first interaction a...

Reporting: What’s Important?

Reporting: What’s Important?

As trends in how customers shop continues to shift, the way data is reported changes as well.  With a multitude of channels, both online and off, many retailers can easily find themselves buried in a sea of data.  So how should one wade through the onslaught of...

Remembering Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Remembering Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Whether you are crafting press releases, issuing brand statements, or trying to figure out which products to optimize next, it would do you good to keep your organization's unique value proposition front and center. In short, your unique value proposition (UVP)...

Re-Branding: Do’s and Don’ts

Re-Branding: Do’s and Don’ts

Nowadays, it seems every business is caught up in the idea of re-branding themselves to cater to a new market. Which makes sense, as retailers, if we standstill and don’t keep up with the times we will be left behind. But rebranding is tricky, change too much and you...

Perfecting Your Content Strategy for the Holiday Season

Perfecting Your Content Strategy for the Holiday Season

With the holiday season right around the corner, having a cohesive marketing strategy across your different channels is imperative. Not only can a well thought out marketing plan increase your bottom line, it can keep some of the panic out of the season. Today we are...

Net Neutrality and You

Net Neutrality and You

Over the past couple of years much has been discussed regarding net neutrality. Pro net neutrality campaigning began in as early as 2010 depending on which source you reference. In 2014 President Obama began calling for the Internet to be classified as a utility,...

Link Building Your Way to a Better Domain Authority

Link Building Your Way to a Better Domain Authority

For years link building has been a key element in a solid SEO program. In the past, it was a pretty straight forward concept; get as many sites to link to your site as possible. Oh, how some SEO managers long for those simpler times. In the good old days, link...

Leveraging Holiday 2020 E-commerce Data for a Better 2021

Leveraging Holiday 2020 E-commerce Data for a Better 2021

Historically, the amount spent on holiday shopping has increased year over year. While the 2020 holiday season would have stayed on this trajectory, the global COVID-19 will act as an accelerator to that trajectory. Since the start of the pandemic, many have seen...

Leverage Google Trends for Content Writing

Leverage Google Trends for Content Writing

Content is king! Write engaging copy that people want to read! Content should be fresh, frequent, and relevant! There is a good chance that you have heard at least one of the statements above pertaining to your brand's content. You probably also know that you will...