Slim-Jim vs. Standard Trim Size Catalog: Pros and Cons

Slim-Jim vs. Standard Trim Size Catalog: Pros and Cons

Catalogs known as Slim-Jim’s have been around for many years. They are not new. This catalog format has been popular with business-to-business mailers; not so much with consumer mailers until now. We are seeing more direct-to-consumer companies migrating to a Slim-Jim...
Selling Expense to Sales Ratio…How Low is Too Low?

Selling Expense to Sales Ratio…How Low is Too Low?

Direct selling expense to sales ratios have been the subject of several articles I have written over the years. That’s because this ratio is critical to profitability and to the growth of a catalog business. It should be tracked monthly on your income statement just...
Renting Your Database…Best Practices

Renting Your Database…Best Practices

I am still surprised by the number of consumer catalog companies who do not rent their buyer file. While most do, some catalogs still feel they are keeping others from mailing “their” customers by not renting their buyer file. Fact or fiction? This may have been true...