The Anatomy of a #1 Google Result

The Anatomy of a #1 Google Result

There are many perks to having the #1 result in Google. You get the lion’s share of the clicks. You bolster your PPC efforts. You are first in line to garner more links. Then there is the revenue stream that comes from monetizing the traffic from that #1 result....
The ABCs of Conversion: Always Be Closing

The ABCs of Conversion: Always Be Closing

My very first job after graduating college with my Master’s Degree was selling vacuum cleaners. Sounds cliché, doesn’t it? At the time, I took what was available while looking for something a little more lucrative. What I didn’t realize at the time,...
Stocking Stuffers for Quick Holiday Wins

Stocking Stuffers for Quick Holiday Wins

While online shopping has continued to grow year over year, the current pandemic climate is sure to accelerate this trend even more. When it comes to holiday planning, there is no shortage of ecommerce strategies and advice floating around. In this post, we are going...
Why Direct Traffic Isn’t So Direct

Why Direct Traffic Isn’t So Direct

Have you checked the performance of your direct traffic in Google Analytics lately?  Does it look like it tanked?  Are you left wondering what the heck happened? Good news! Chances are that it looks much worse than it actually is.  There are lots of reasons that your...
Why eTailers Should Ignore Alexa Rankings

Why eTailers Should Ignore Alexa Rankings

There are a number of different ways to monitor a website’s effectiveness. Indeed, there is no shortage of data mining tools available today. One of the more popular tools available is Alexa. In combination with a variety of other tools, Alexa data can be...