Stocking Stuffers for Quick Holiday Wins

While online shopping has continued to grow year over year, the current pandemic climate is sure to accelerate this trend even more. When it comes to holiday planning, there is no shortage of ecommerce strategies and advice floating around. In this post, we are going to give you a quick and easy plan to garner even more sales this holiday season.

One of the easiest-to-implement strategies to boost your bottom line is stocking stuffers specials.

Search your inventory for low-priced, best-selling items; think $20 or less. If you are in a retail space that deals in higher-priced items, find items in your more affordable pricing bracket. When you have assembled a list of these items, add in one higher-priced item. This one item will ideally be one of your very best sellers and one you know converts well. When you have chosen those items, set up a page on your site called “Stocking Stuffers” and link to it from your main navigation.

To help promote the Stocking Stuffers page, email and PPC ads will yield the best results. Special emails that detail Stocking Stuffers traditionally have high open rates and click-through rates. Additionally, PPC ads targeted around “Stocking Stuffers” tend to convert at a much higher rate than other campaigns during the holidays. This is because people are in a shopping mindset. They know their friends and family have certain interests in the products you offer. If they can find something at a low price, they are much more inclined to buy it, because their investment is minimal. Collectively, however, these orders add up very quickly for retailers.

Take advantage of the holiday season with Stocking Stuffers for quick wins. If you need assistance in setting up a Stocking Stuffers campaign or any other digital marketing campaigns, contact Lett Direct.