Does Your Company Provide Good Customer Service?

Does Your Company Provide Good Customer Service?

Most of you would say, “yes” to this question. But do you really know the level of customer service you are providing in the eyes of your customers? According to an article in a local newspaper by Gad Allen, Faculty Director of the Jerome Fisher Program of Management...
Do Promotions Condition the Consumer?

Do Promotions Condition the Consumer?

Free Shipping! $10 Off! Take 20%! Promotions such as these are very common today. Consumers have been conditioned to expect an offer and catalogers are afraid not to give them one. We do know that promotions increase the rate of response. We also know that gross...
Direct Mail vs. Catalogs…Is “Print” in Your Future?

Direct Mail vs. Catalogs…Is “Print” in Your Future?

If you are thinking about expanding your marketing program to include a print or direct mail strategy, this article is for you. A “print” strategy can help grow your business by driving new (and current) customers to your website. Direct mail will complement your...
Dealing with Your Direct Mail Printer

Dealing with Your Direct Mail Printer

The relationship you have with your printer is important. After all, your printer is probably your largest unsecured vendor. Today, the printer does more for the cataloger than put ink on paper. They ink-jet address and distribute catalogs to your many customers and...
12 Cost-Cutting Tips You Can Take to the Bank

12 Cost-Cutting Tips You Can Take to the Bank

Think you’ve tried every way to save on postage? Think again… Stephen R. Lett and Sandy Wolstencroft took it upon themselves to break down virtually all the ways you can implement change in your catalog mailing strategy to adapt to the new rates — but without...