How to Evaluate a Service Bureau

How to Evaluate a Service Bureau

Evaluating a service bureau is a difficult task. Comparing one service bureau with another is even more challenging. Do you compare pricing, services, products?  We say, compare everything!  Just as pricing on processing is important, the postage discounts will...
How Much Does it Cost to Mail a Catalog?

How Much Does it Cost to Mail a Catalog?

People often search our website wanting to know how much it costs to mail a catalog. Therefore, I decided to write a series of articles to help you better understand the cost of mailing a catalog. I will discuss what is included in the final cost of mailing a catalog...
How Much Does It Cost to Mail a Catalog – Part II

How Much Does It Cost to Mail a Catalog – Part II

I published an article in May 2020 titled, “How Much Does it Cost to Mail a Catalog”. This is a continuation of that article; Part II. My initial article focused on the actual cost to print and mail a catalog. While the cost per catalog will vary depending on page...
How Do You Value Your House File?

How Do You Value Your House File?

A buyer file, (i.e., house file), is clearly your company’s #1 asset. It’s the gold at the end of the rainbow. The house file is what makes it possible to purchase inventory, make payroll and pay the bills. Yet banks and other lending institutions place little or no...
How Do You Audit Your Service Bureau?

How Do You Audit Your Service Bureau?

Service Bureaus play a most important role to catalog companies. However, dealing with a service bureau can be pretty scary. It involves a great deal of trust. Did they select the “right” names? Were a high percentage of the duplicates identified? How do you ever...
Holiday Preview – What to Expect from Consumers

Holiday Preview – What to Expect from Consumers

It’s a challenging time for catalogers and online merchants. Skyrocketing costs, i.e., paper and postage, high inflation and interest rates have combined to be the perfect storm. If I were a betting man (and I’m not), I would plan for a “late” buying season this year....