Hold Out Testing: To Mail, or Not to Mail?

Hold Out Testing: To Mail, or Not to Mail?

To Mail, or Not to Mail?  Is it better to mail less frequently, but deeper?  Or, are more touches to your core buyer file the best approach for your print contact strategy? Before there was digital influence in the path to purchase, these were very easy questions to...
Getting The Most From Outside Lists

Getting The Most From Outside Lists

It is expensive to prospect for new buyers. Therefore, it is important to prospect as cost efficiently as possible. Prospecting is critical to the long-term success of any catalog business. How much prospecting you do depends on how fast you want to grow your customer...
Getting The Most From Co-operative Databases

Getting The Most From Co-operative Databases

Cooperative databases provide a valuable source of quality names for many product offers. For most small and medium-sized catalog companies, 50% or more of prospecting circulation goes to names selected from co-operative databases. Prospect names selected from co-ops...
Determining Contribution to Profit and Overhead

Determining Contribution to Profit and Overhead

Like most catalogers, we strive to maximize the amount of contribution to profit and overhead generated from the mailings we make. Attempting to maximize profit contribution can (and often does) conflict with trying to grow your business. In other words, do you want...
Critical Steps to Circulation Planning

Critical Steps to Circulation Planning

Circulation planning is critical to the success of every catalog. In fact, over 60% of the success of any mailing is dependent on the lists used and on the circulation plan in general. Not always is enough time spent on the critical steps to effective and proper...