50 Best Marketing Tips for 2015

50 Best Marketing Tips for 2015

It’s a new year and the Lett Direct team has put together “50 Best Tips for 2015” that will help you increase your results. While not in any particular order, these suggestions are being made to help you improve your print catalog and digital marketing programs. Some...
Avoiding the Freakout Mentality

Avoiding the Freakout Mentality

If you work in any environment long enough, you are sure to witness what I call, The Freakout. It’s that moment when someone in the organization has noticed that something has gone wrong. What follows is complete panic as the person starts imagining all of the...
Balancing Customer Service Needs Today

Balancing Customer Service Needs Today

Service center management is constantly balancing present customer service contact reality, while keeping an eye to the future trends of the industry.  Many experienced voices in the industry look to a more technology driven future, however when I wake up in the...
Google Premier Partner

Google Premier Partner

As many of you know, Lett Direct earned Google Partner status several years ago and this June we were recognized as a Google Premier Partner with a specialization in Search Advertising.  We are proud to pass the knowledge this certification carries on to our clients....