
Best Practices When Using Cooperative Databases

Best Practices When Using Cooperative Databases

Cooperative databases account for at least 50% of all consumer prospecting.  Names selected from a coop are super multi-buyers who respond well to any number of different offers. These catalog buyers have been modeled from a cataloger’s actual buyer file therefore...

Catalog Circulation…Back to the Basics

Catalog Circulation…Back to the Basics

After the merchandise has been selected, the circulation strategy accounts for up to 70% of the success of any mailing. No doubt we can all use a refresher when it comes to circulation planning and execution based on the importance of getting it right! This month, we...

Celebrating Our 25th Year in Business

Celebrating Our 25th Year in Business

I am pleased to announce that 25 years ago this month, we incorporated and started operating as a direct marketing consulting business specializing in catalog marketing, planning, circulation and analysis. After being a catalog mailer my entire career, in May 1995, I...

Catalog KPIs…Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball

Catalog KPIs…Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are important to any print catalog or digital marketing business. Knowing how often and which KPI to track can make a huge difference to your profit & loss statement. You need to separate the “nice to know” from the “need-to-know”...

Customer Service…Back to the Basics

Customer Service…Back to the Basics

I continue to be amazed by the lack of customer service in this country. I am talking about genuine customer service with live, real-time people who resolve the customer’s problem unconditionally. Companies talk about providing customer service but they often fall...

Customer Service is Lacking

Customer Service is Lacking

As a regular catalog and online shopper, I am more critical when it comes to customer service aspects of buying by mail because catalog marketing has been my profession for over 40 years. That said, I am still a regular shopper and I want the same level of service...

Dealing with the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey for Catalogers

Dealing with the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey for Catalogers

The thousands of families and people who have been displaced by Storm Harvey is tragic. This is the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history at more than $100 billion as reported by ABC’s Good Morning America on August 31, 2017. The full impact of Harvey will not be...