
What Can We Expect in 2019?

What Can We Expect in 2019?

As we begin another new year, catalogers and direct marketers are faced with many challenges. The economy remains strong. Unemployment is low, and wages are up. Still, other factors are at play that will impact “direct” businesses. Sales Tax Collection The biggest...

Welcome to The Idea Factory

Welcome to The Idea Factory

Welcome to the Idea Factory for April 13, 2004, a Target Marketing Group publication from the editors of Catalog Success magazine. Every other week we'll bring you tips and strategies to help you achieve cataloging success. Catalog Circulation: Take a Critical Look at...

Want to Sell Your Business? Exit Strategies to Consider

Want to Sell Your Business? Exit Strategies to Consider

Selling a catalog business can be a very emotional decision. The business is a way of life for most catalog entrepreneurs. That’s why, for a variety of reasons, catalog owners often have an inflated view of what their businesses are worth. Arriving at a realistic...

Utilizing Cooperative Databases to Reach Your Best Customer

Utilizing Cooperative Databases to Reach Your Best Customer

Most direct mailers are well aware of Cooperative Database models and use them for anywhere from 50 to 100% of their prospecting needs. The co-ops have amassed a wealth of information, which they use to build their models. That data can also provide so much more for...

Understanding What Direct Mail Is

Understanding What Direct Mail Is

What is direct mail? It's unsolicited advertising sent through the mail to existing customers and prospects. Examples include postcards, solo mailers, catalogs, self-mailers, etc. Unlike mass media, direct mail is targeted so that you're reaching your most desired...

Top Print Questions of 2022

Top Print Questions of 2022

Over the course of the year, Lett Direct receives and answers numerous questions from clients, vendors and prospects about digital and direct mail marketing. This month we will focus on the most frequently asked direct mail questions of 2022, while digital marketing...

Timeline for a New Catalog Launch

Timeline for a New Catalog Launch

Internet only retailers and other direct marketers recognize the importance of having a catalog in their marketing toolbox. Catalogs are a targeted media that can generate new customers with a strong life-time-value. They also recognize that catalogs are the biggest...

To Mail or Not To Mail…

To Mail or Not To Mail…

To Mail, Or Not To Mail?  This is a question that many direct marketing professionals ask, and we have written articles on this topic in the past.   Since this is such a prevalent topic, we would like to share our most current study with you. Before there was an...