
Let’s Be Done with the SEO is Dead Posts Already

Let’s Be Done with the SEO is Dead Posts Already

I've seen them. You've seen them. Every six months or so, the "SEO is Dead" linkbait articles resurface with the predictability of cicadas. It's usually in reference to some change at Google, Amazon, or Facebook. At best, it's ignorance. At worst, it's fear mongering....

Launching a New Website? Read This First!

Launching a New Website? Read This First!

Over the years, we have watched and aided in the launch of many new websites for our clients. While we have never witnessed a launch go 100% perfectly, some go much smoother than others. The following list includes the major things to keep in mind before you launch...

Last Click Attribution…A Thing of the Past!

Last Click Attribution…A Thing of the Past!

It doesn’t take much looking around to realize that we are living in a world of multi-channel marketing with vast amounts of available information at hand.  Along with that information comes nearly limitless opportunities to reach your target audience.  In addition,...

Keyword Research for Search Intent

Keyword Research for Search Intent

In the early days of SEO, rankings were often determined by the number of times a particular keyword was repeated on a page. You could even goose the relevance of a term by putting it in header tags or bolding it. Pretty quickly, keyword stuffing became the quick path...

It’s Happening, Say Goodbye to Google’s Universal Analytics

It’s Happening, Say Goodbye to Google’s Universal Analytics

If you are one of the many companies who has been kicking the proverbial can down the road or sticking your head in the sand about the change to GA4, the time has come to take action. As of July 1st 2023, Google’s long-standing and beloved Universal Analytics will...

Is TikTok for You? The Ultimate TikTok for Business Guide

Is TikTok for You? The Ultimate TikTok for Business Guide

As the saying goes, "There's no time like the present." And when it comes to business, that couldn't be truer. In today's fast-paced, constantly connected world, companies need to be where their customers are. And right now, the darling of social media is TikTok....

How To Build Your Content Marketing Funnel

How To Build Your Content Marketing Funnel

By now, you've heard about the importance of high-quality content. You may have even started making a list of different blog posts, tweets, and videos you can develop. That's a good idea because, according to a recent Salesforce blog post 87% of shoppers begin their...

How Google Analytics Handles Browser Bookmarks

How Google Analytics Handles Browser Bookmarks

In the past, you may have been told that clicks from a browser bar show up in Google Analytics as Direct Traffic. That, however, is not always the case. Site Traffic from Bookmarks While it is true that someone visiting your site from a bookmark is coming directly to...

How AI is Changing SEO and Marketing – Welcome to the Future!

How AI is Changing SEO and Marketing – Welcome to the Future!

As technology advances, so does the rate of change in SEO—and artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role. AI can help marketers track trends more accurately than ever, quickly identify areas to optimize and provide insights into user...