
When Should You Prospect?

When Should You Prospect?

It is important for catalogers to prospect for new buyers in order to (1) maintain a given level of revenue from year-to-year and (2) in order to grow. In simple terms, if you stop prospecting, sales and buyer counts will decline. Therefore, it is important to...

What’s New with Match-Backs

What’s New with Match-Backs

Match-backs have become routine for catalogers today. This is the process where your order file is “matched-back” against your recent mail tapes in order to give credit to the proper source code. This will tell you where the business is coming from and which key codes...

What’s Included in The Cost to Print and Mail a Catalog

What’s Included in The Cost to Print and Mail a Catalog

What’s included in the cost to print and mail a catalog is often referred to as Direct Selling Expenses. We recommend companies break out these costs on their income statement so that the Direct Selling Expense to Net Sales ratio is visible. For a consumer catalog...

What You Need to Know about the Canadian Catalog Market

What You Need to Know about the Canadian Catalog Market

Marketing by catalog to our friends north of the border represents an expansion opportunity for U.S. catalogers. Especially now due to the strength of the Canadian dollar. For many, it is a logical way to grow providing the prospecting universe is sufficient for the...

What You Need to Know About Mailing Lists

What You Need to Know About Mailing Lists

Assuming you have the right merchandise, 70% (or more) of a successful mailing campaign is dependent on the lists you use. Proper list selection means the difference between profits or losses on the income statement. This includes the proper use of your...

Web Generated Catalog Requests

Web Generated Catalog Requests

Catalog requests or inquiries generated from the Internet are valuable, like diamonds in the rough. How long it takes to fulfill these requests will determine their true value to your company. Best practice says that a prospective buyer should receive the catalog they...

Ways to Reduce Your Direct Selling Expenses

Ways to Reduce Your Direct Selling Expenses

In this time of uncertainty, controlling your direct selling expenses is critical to your bottom line.  Fortunately, paper prices have remained low which has helped to offset the recent postage rate increase. But, the business climate is difficult and the squeeze on...

Updates from the 15th Annual ACMA Conference

Updates from the 15th Annual ACMA Conference

After being virtual for the past few years due to the pandemic, the ACMA Conference came roaring back with an informative and engaging in-person conference in Washington DC. The conference illuminated wins, most notably the recently passed postal reform, as well as...