Ten Proven Ways To Increase Your Revenue Per Catalog

Ten Proven Ways To Increase Your Revenue Per Catalog

Catalogers are always interested in increasing the amount of Revenue per Catalog (RPC) mailed to their house file and to outside prospects. As you increase circulation, the RPC will decrease since catalogs are being sent to lower performing names; generally to...
Should You Purchase Your Own Paper?

Should You Purchase Your Own Paper?

Purchasing your own paper through a paper merchant might be a way to save money. However, not every company can or should purchase paper direct. Many should continue to have their printer supply the paper. This month, I want to help you determine if you are a...
Ship Faster, Build Loyalty, Here’s How!

Ship Faster, Build Loyalty, Here’s How!

Expectations around faster package delivery are getting more competitive every year, and today’s consumers want products faster than ever before. Is it a realistic expectation to cater to these ever increasing needs of consumers? We think it is. Consumers are...

Selling Expense Ratios

In our previous columns, we have talked a great deal about direct selling expenses, i.e., paper, printing, postage, list rental, etc., and why these expenses need to be separated on the income statement.  This month, we want to take a slightly different twist by...
Renting Your Customer List… Is It The Right Thing To Do?

Renting Your Customer List… Is It The Right Thing To Do?

Several catalog companies today still choose not to rent their customer list. What’s more, many of these catalogers will also not agree to exchange their list with other reputable firms. While it is more common for business-to-business catalogs to disallow others from...