Google Premier Partner

Google Premier Partner

As many of you know, Lett Direct earned Google Partner status several years ago and this June we were recognized as a Google Premier Partner with a specialization in Search Advertising.  We are proud to pass the knowledge this certification carries on to our clients....
Signals from Google? Cross Device Tracking

Signals from Google? Cross Device Tracking

Let’s talk about a newer feature in Google Analytics called Google Signals and why it’s important to have it enabled in your own Analytics account.  Google Signals is the best (free) solution we have available that can track users across devices.  Prior to Signals,...
Reporting: What’s Important?

Reporting: What’s Important?

As trends in how customers shop continues to shift, the way data is reported changes as well.  With a multitude of channels, both online and off, many retailers can easily find themselves buried in a sea of data.  So how should one wade through the onslaught of...
10 Ways to Increase Your Average Order Value

10 Ways to Increase Your Average Order Value

Ecommerce sites are in a unique position in that average order value (AOV) is a metric that rarely gets attention, but can have a significant impact on overall revenue. In general, the focus on generating more revenue is placed on new customer acquisition. It...
Database Cooperatives: The Basics and More for Direct Mail

Database Cooperatives: The Basics and More for Direct Mail

As more new players enter into direct mail, they often have questions about how to find new potential customers. Typically, we recommend using a database cooperative for prospecting amongst other services. But what is a database cooperative and how can they help a...