The Google Shuffle and Keyword Vanity

The Google Shuffle and Keyword Vanity

It has been common knowledge for more than a decade that Google makes hundreds of changes to its algorithm every year. Some are large-scale changes that come with much fanfare, but most are very small day-to-day changes that are more about testing than imposing...
The Implications of Google’s New SERP Layout

The Implications of Google’s New SERP Layout

Recently, Google changed the way it presents paid ads on the search engine results pages (SERPs) by eliminating text ads on the right side of the page. The new layout features up to four ads at the top of the page (above the organic results) and more at the bottom of...
The Narrative Arc of Your Brand Story

The Narrative Arc of Your Brand Story

It would be an understatement to say COVID-19 has upended the way we do business these days. History shows us that many of these changes will be temporary, but some will become the new normal going forward. While the uncertainty of the current situation can undermine...
The State of Mobile Search in March 2018

The State of Mobile Search in March 2018

In the current digital landscape, it’s essential that businesses are creating web experiences that are fast enough to keep up with burgeoning technologies. Customers (and potential customers) want to find what they are looking for quickly. Often, they are on the...
The Way Search Works Around The World

The Way Search Works Around The World

You don’t have to look far to find oodles of information about how dominant Google is among search engines…. at least in the U.S. What if you are operating in China, though, as more and more business are? What about Russia? And just what exactly do you...