The Issues with Automation in PPC

The Issues with Automation in PPC

In recent years, Google has been making an ever-greater push towards simplifying the management of campaigns within their Ads platform.  The logic here is simple… if campaigns can perform as efficiently but management can be less time consuming, more ad revenue should...
Why Should I Pay for Brand Keywords

Why Should I Pay for Brand Keywords

An all too common question asked by advertisers running paid search programs is simple, “Why would I pay money to bid on my brand name when my organic links are already showing up at top of the search results page?” It’s hard to argue the logic here, so the question...
Last Click Attribution…A Thing of the Past!

Last Click Attribution…A Thing of the Past!

It doesn’t take much looking around to realize that we are living in a world of multi-channel marketing with vast amounts of available information at hand.  Along with that information comes nearly limitless opportunities to reach your target audience.  In addition,...
Google Ads Optimization Score: What is it Worth?

Google Ads Optimization Score: What is it Worth?

If you’ve spent time in your Google Ads account within the past couple of years, you’ve almost certainly noticed the “Optimization Score” metric next to any active campaign or at the account level as a whole.  If not, it’s simply a score from 0 – 100% which Google...