It’s All About Merchandise, Value Price and E-Commerce

It’s All About Merchandise, Value Price and E-Commerce

Brick & mortar retailing had a disappointing year and holiday season. We are witnessing a sea change in consumer buying which we can learn from.  Shift to e-commerce and specialty store sales weighing heavily on department store results. First, let’s take stock of...
Is it Cost Effective to Prospect with Fewer Pages?

Is it Cost Effective to Prospect with Fewer Pages?

The idea of creating a smaller prospecting catalog (same trim size but with fewer pages) full of best selling pick-up items is appealing and sounds like a logical thing to do.  It saves money, or so it seems, and in theory has little if any impact on performance. ...
In-Home Dates vs. Mail Dates… What is the Best Strategy?

In-Home Dates vs. Mail Dates… What is the Best Strategy?

Some catalogers prefer mailings that are based on in-home dates. Other use mail dates. From my experience, many times, there is confusion over which strategy to employ and why. Some catalogers tend to use these terms interchangeably while significant differences exist...
How to Select a Vendor for Your Catalog Business

How to Select a Vendor for Your Catalog Business

Selecting a marketing vendor such as a printer, list broker or consultant does not sound like a difficult task. But, how do you know you are selecting the “right” vendor for your business. The relationship you have with vendors, particularly with your printer is...
How To Prospect Effectively For New Buyers

How To Prospect Effectively For New Buyers

Catalogers need to prospect for new buyers in order to grow their business. It’s expensive. And, most catalog companies prospect at an incremental loss (defined as net sales minus cost-of-goods sold minus direct selling expenses = incremental breakeven).  Even so,...