Celebrating Our 25th Year in Business

Celebrating Our 25th Year in Business

I am pleased to announce that 25 years ago this month, we incorporated and started operating as a direct marketing consulting business specializing in catalog marketing, planning, circulation and analysis. After being a catalog mailer my entire career, in May 1995, I...
Customer Service is Lacking

Customer Service is Lacking

As a regular catalog and online shopper, I am more critical when it comes to customer service aspects of buying by mail because catalog marketing has been my profession for over 40 years. That said, I am still a regular shopper and I want the same level of service...
Customer Service…Back to the Basics

Customer Service…Back to the Basics

I continue to be amazed by the lack of customer service in this country. I am talking about genuine customer service with live, real-time people who resolve the customer’s problem unconditionally. Companies talk about providing customer service but they often fall...