Is it Cost Effective to Prospect with Fewer Pages?

The idea of creating a smaller prospecting catalog (same trim size but with fewer pages) full of best selling pick-up items is appealing and sounds like a logical thing to do. It saves money, or so it seems, and in theory has little if any impact on performance....
The Future of Print Catalogs

The Future of Print Catalogs

I’ve been a cataloger for over 45 years. Fresh out of the School of Business at Indiana University in 1971, I landed a job in the catalog marketing department for a subsidiary of Pitney Bowes selling price-marking equipment and supplies to small retailers. I was...
Ten Stupid Things You Have Seen (or Done)!

Ten Stupid Things You Have Seen (or Done)!

Over the years, we have all done dumb or stupid things which I’m sure didn’t seem so at the time. I can certainly look back over my 33 year career as a cataloger and think of things I did that were really dumb! To a large degree, this is all part of the learning...
Source Codes Are Key To Tracking Your Results

Source Codes Are Key To Tracking Your Results

One of the many aspect of the business of catalogs that I have always enjoyed is the fact that everything we do from a circulation and marketing standpoint can be tracked to a specific source (or key) code. When a company runs an image ad (non direct response) in a...
Slim-Jim vs. Standard Trim Size Catalog: Pros and Cons

Slim-Jim vs. Standard Trim Size Catalog: Pros and Cons

Catalogs known as Slim-Jim’s have been around for many years. They are not new. This catalog format has been popular with business-to-business mailers; not so much with consumer mailers until now. We are seeing more direct-to-consumer companies migrating to a Slim-Jim...