Facebook Advertising is Dead

Facebook Advertising is Dead

Apologies for the clickbait headline, but you clicked, didn’t you? Let’s talk about the disaster that has become Facebook advertising. With recent iOS tracking changes, determining the ROI from social media ads can be nothing short of exasperating. Justifying budgets...
E-commerce Metrics That Matter

E-commerce Metrics That Matter

In recent years, the availability of—and preoccupation with—big data has given rise to more questions than answers. Indeed, as Google has taken away information, it has given new ways to slice and dice other information. The end result can often seem like data for...
Duplicate Content and Canonical Tags: A Refresher

Duplicate Content and Canonical Tags: A Refresher

It seems we can’t go a month without Google announcing some major change that has us wondering about how we need to factor that change into our SEO processes. Some changes make life easier. Some do not. Fortunately, SEOs have a substantial list of evergreen...
Current Outlook for Digital Catalogs

Current Outlook for Digital Catalogs

Companies use print catalogs effectively to engage the customer with multi-channel marketing. When customers and prospects receive a catalog in the mail, they most often go online to place the order. So, the catalog is driving a large volume of traffic to the web....
Changes Ahead for Facebook Ads

Changes Ahead for Facebook Ads

Over the past few months, we have witnessed Facebook and Apple bicker over the implications of the upcoming iOS 14 release. While it is always interesting to watch two industry titans square off, there are some things you should know if you run ads on Facebook. What...
Category Pages: When to Create and Optimize

Category Pages: When to Create and Optimize

Aside from the homepage, the most important pages on any website—especially an ecommerce website—are the category pages. They will consistently generate the most organic traffic. Collectively, they will almost always garner more organic traffic than the homepage....