Launching a New Website? Read This First!

Launching a New Website? Read This First!

Over the years, we have watched and aided in the launch of many new websites for our clients. While we have never witnessed a launch go 100% perfectly, some go much smoother than others. The following list includes the major things to keep in mind before you launch...
Last Click Attribution…A Thing of the Past!

Last Click Attribution…A Thing of the Past!

It doesn’t take much looking around to realize that we are living in a world of multi-channel marketing with vast amounts of available information at hand.  Along with that information comes nearly limitless opportunities to reach your target audience.  In addition,...
Keyword Research for Search Intent

Keyword Research for Search Intent

In the early days of SEO, rankings were often determined by the number of times a particular keyword was repeated on a page. You could even goose the relevance of a term by putting it in header tags or bolding it. Pretty quickly, keyword stuffing became the quick path...