The Analytics of Determining Proper Page Count

The Analytics of Determining Proper Page Count

I taught Direct Marketing at Indiana University for several years and I always told my students to write down “merchandising” if they did not know the answer to a question to receive 50% credit. I wanted these smart, second year MBA students to know the importance of...
Testing… What is Best Practice for Your Business?

Testing… What is Best Practice for Your Business?

Testing is the way to the Promised Land. Without testing, I’m afraid you are up a creek without a paddle or lost at sea.  Some things are easier to test than others. However, just about everything can be tested. Don’t just assume that something will work. It is always...
Testing and Minimum Order Sizes – What is Best Practice?

Testing and Minimum Order Sizes – What is Best Practice?

When it comes to catalog marketing, I don’t like to leave anything to chance. Just about everything can (and should) be tested including promotional offers, cover designs, minimum order requirements, etc. Knowing what and how to test and re-test is important to the...
Test. Test. Test!!!

Test. Test. Test!!!

Do promotional offers increase response rates or average order sizes to the house file? What about to prospects? Which offers work best? Do different weights or grades of paper increase results? What affect do various page presentations have on sales? I am sure you...