Getting the Most from Lists

Getting the Most from Lists

There is growing pressure the past year on list performance. It’s more about contribution to profit & overhead as it should be. This has caused catalogers to reduce circulation and to prospect less. As a result, 12-month buyer counts are down and there are...
Getting Started with List Segmentation

Getting Started with List Segmentation

I want to discuss the basics of list segmentation and why it is an important part of maximizing profitability. Segmenting your customers, i.e., house file, will help you know who to mail and, just as important, who not to mail. The days of mailing your entire house...
Getting into the Catalog Prospecting Mode

Getting into the Catalog Prospecting Mode

The past year was extremely difficult for catalog companies. Many firms elected to mail deeper to their house files (instead of prospecting for new buyers).  Prospecting is down -30% to -50% according to industry sources. New list testing is off -43%. This means...
Five Costly Mistakes That Can Impact Your Business

Five Costly Mistakes That Can Impact Your Business

It pains me to see catalog companies making bad decisions (with good intentions) that can be self-destructive to their business. I know these decisions are being made for all the right reasons; mainly to reduce expenses and to save money. The actions taken are most...