Print Alternatives To Your Catalog

Print Alternatives To Your Catalog

A Conversation with Steve Lett and Susan McIntyre CATALOG SUCCESS: With postage so high and the economy in bad shape, catalogers are looking to cut circulation or find print alternatives to their catalogs that will drive sales to the web. Are postcards a good...
Postal Update

Postal Update

Recently we participated in a postal committee update sponsored by the ACMA. This call included a review of how the Coronavirus pandemic is affecting the United States Postal Service (USPS). You may have heard a rumor that the post office might be forced to close its...
Postal Increases Take Effect July 2023

Postal Increases Take Effect July 2023

Another postal rate increase is set to take effect July 9th, 2023, the third increase in twelve months. This is an unprecedented number of increases in such a short period of time and will impact our industry. Unfortunately, additional rate hikes such as the one in...
Post-COVID Mailing Strategy…Be Careful Not to Over Mail

Post-COVID Mailing Strategy…Be Careful Not to Over Mail

The pandemic caused people to stay home most of the year which created a large spike in orders for many direct-to-consumer companies, both catalog and digital. The increase in demand was so significant that it caused issues for the supply chain. Many firms scrambled...