Web Generated Catalog Requests

Web Generated Catalog Requests

Catalog requests or inquiries generated from the Internet are valuable, like diamonds in the rough. How long it takes to fulfill these requests will determine their true value to your company. Best practice says that a prospective buyer should receive the catalog they...
Ways to Reduce Your Direct Selling Expenses

Ways to Reduce Your Direct Selling Expenses

In this time of uncertainty, controlling your direct selling expenses is critical to your bottom line.  Fortunately, paper prices have remained low which has helped to offset the recent postage rate increase. But, the business climate is difficult and the squeeze on...
Update on Multi-Channel Match-Backs

Update on Multi-Channel Match-Backs

Match-backs are the process of having your order file “matched-back” against your recent mail tapes in order to give credit to the proper source or key code on a list-by-list, segment-by-segment basis. They are a way of life for catalogers today.  Match-backs are...
Time to Give Up Your Bind-in Order Form/Envelope?

Time to Give Up Your Bind-in Order Form/Envelope?

If you are like most catalogers, you have either discussed giving up the use of a bind-in order form with envelope or, you have already eliminated it. There is a definite trend to eliminate the bind-in order form/envelope typically found in the center of the catalog....