Catalogs Continue to Drive Traffic to the Web

Catalogs Continue to Drive Traffic to the Web

Catalogs continue to be the main driver of shopper traffic to the Internet. Printed catalogs have stood the test of time and after all the buzz about the Internet and e-commerce, we are seeing a real growth in print media. Companies who started and/or only marketed...
Catalog Trim Size and Paper Weight

Catalog Trim Size and Paper Weight

Varying catalog trim sizes or paper weights do make a difference to your bottom line. However, this difference may not be what you might expect. Always test before you take a leap of faith. A/B split testing various paper grades and weight is easy and inexpensive to...
Catalog Start-ups: What You Need to Know

Catalog Start-ups: What You Need to Know

What does it take today to start a catalog? Deep pockets, that’s what it takes. It is expensive to start a catalog and it takes time. Building wealth by starting a catalog is what you read about in the tabloids. The reality, however, is much different. Not having...
Catalog Costs – How Low Can You Go?

Catalog Costs – How Low Can You Go?

Direct mail is experiencing a long overdue resurgence for retailers, hastened by the pandemic. Increasingly crowded ads on social media and Google, full email boxes, SMS dings all day long…while the much-misaligned mailbox remained emptier as credit card offers...