Co-Mailing – What is it and How it Benefits You

Co-Mailing – What is it and How it Benefits You

Co-mailing Defined: “Co-mingling or mailing is the process of combining different catalog titles into one mail stream in order to generate more carrier route discount mail.” Why do companies co-mail their catalog with other catalogs? The simple answer is...
Co-Mailing Strategy… Is it Right for You?

Co-Mailing Strategy… Is it Right for You?

There is a great deal of talk these days about co-mingling (also referred to as co-mailing) catalogs together with other catalog titles in order to create a greater postal discount for the participating catalog companies. On the surface, co-mailing sounds like a great...
Circulation Update for 2008… Understanding Order Curves

Circulation Update for 2008… Understanding Order Curves

Weekly order curves are affected by several different factors. Mail deliveries, the weather, time of year, etc., all affect mail delivery times. However, you, the catalog marketer, have the most influence over how soon orders start flowing after the initial mail date...
Circulation Strategy to Web vs. Catalog Customers

Circulation Strategy to Web vs. Catalog Customers

I want to start with the premise that the catalog and the Internet are important to each other.  It’s not the web vs. the catalog or vice versa. (I remember the old brick-n-mortar days when the retail channel thought they should receive credit for catalog sales within...