Understanding Life-Time-Value Analysis

Understanding Life-Time-Value Analysis

Very few catalogs can make money on first time buyers. The ultimate profitability of a new buyer depends on their Life-Time-Value (L-T-V). We tend to evaluate lists based on the first or initial sale. We compare the results against an incremental breakeven point and...
Success Depends on the Growth of Your 12-Month House File

Success Depends on the Growth of Your 12-Month House File

How much you want to grow your business is dependent upon the growth rate of your 12-month buyer file.  If your 12-month buyer file is growing, your revenue will most likely increase too. If your 12-month buyer file is decreasing, your revenue will probably decrease....
Is it Cost Effective to Prospect with Fewer Pages?

Is it Cost Effective to Prospect with Fewer Pages?

The idea of creating a smaller prospecting catalog (same trim size but with fewer pages) full of best selling pick-up items is appealing and sounds like a logical thing to do.  It saves money, or so it seems, and in theory has little if any impact on performance. ...
How To Prospect Effectively For New Buyers

How To Prospect Effectively For New Buyers

Catalogers need to prospect for new buyers in order to grow their business. It’s expensive. And, most catalog companies prospect at an incremental loss (defined as net sales minus cost-of-goods sold minus direct selling expenses = incremental breakeven).  Even so,...
Understanding GA4 – Google’s Newest Analytical Tool

Understanding GA4 – Google’s Newest Analytical Tool

Google has long been a powerhouse in the analytical field. However, recent changes in technology and user behavior have made the old Google Analytics, otherwise known as Universal Analytics, challenging to use, so Google has released GA4 – its newest analytical...