Facebook Advertising is Dead

Facebook Advertising is Dead

Apologies for the clickbait headline, but you clicked, didn’t you? Let’s talk about the disaster that has become Facebook advertising. With recent iOS tracking changes, determining the ROI from social media ads can be nothing short of exasperating. Justifying budgets...
Changes Ahead for Facebook Ads

Changes Ahead for Facebook Ads

Over the past few months, we have witnessed Facebook and Apple bicker over the implications of the upcoming iOS 14 release. While it is always interesting to watch two industry titans square off, there are some things you should know if you run ads on Facebook. What...
Analog Thoughts in a Digital World

Analog Thoughts in a Digital World

Today we are bombarded with different types of technology and various forms of communication. We carry all of the answers to the great questions of the universe in our pockets and purses. From liking comments on social media or a quick Snapchat, to business emails or...