What We are Seeing on Facebook with the iOS14 Update

What We are Seeing on Facebook with the iOS14 Update

After several contentious months between Apple and social platforms, the most outspoken being Facebook, the iOS14 update rolled out. On April 26th the new rules of the update started to be enforced throughout social media. A quick refresher, iOS14 prompts a user to...
What’s the Deal with OG Tags?

What’s the Deal with OG Tags?

If you have worked with an SEO Manager or implemented any SEO on your own website, you are mostly likely familiar with a variety of tags. Meta tags, title tags, heading tags, alt image tags, the list goes on and on. But even people with a decent knowledge of SEO...
Re-Branding: Do’s and Don’ts

Re-Branding: Do’s and Don’ts

Nowadays, it seems every business is caught up in the idea of re-branding themselves to cater to a new market. Which makes sense, as retailers, if we standstill and don’t keep up with the times we will be left behind. But rebranding is tricky, change too much and you...
Perfecting Your Content Strategy for the Holiday Season

Perfecting Your Content Strategy for the Holiday Season

With the holiday season right around the corner, having a cohesive marketing strategy across your different channels is imperative. Not only can a well thought out marketing plan increase your bottom line, it can keep some of the panic out of the season. Today we are...
Net Neutrality and You

Net Neutrality and You

Over the past couple of years much has been discussed regarding net neutrality. Pro net neutrality campaigning began in as early as 2010 depending on which source you reference. In 2014 President Obama began calling for the Internet to be classified as a utility,...