Future Proofing Your Content as Search Evolves

Future Proofing Your Content as Search Evolves

Despite the regular, predictable—not to mention naïve—proclamations that SEO is Dead, changes in the marketplace, changes in technology, and regular search engine core algorithm updates, ensures that SEO is not only very much alive, it is one of the most dynamic...
E-commerce Metrics That Matter

E-commerce Metrics That Matter

In recent years, the availability of—and preoccupation with—big data has given rise to more questions than answers. Indeed, as Google has taken away information, it has given new ways to slice and dice other information. The end result can often seem like data for...
Duplicate Content and Canonical Tags: A Refresher

Duplicate Content and Canonical Tags: A Refresher

It seems we can’t go a month without Google announcing some major change that has us wondering about how we need to factor that change into our SEO processes. Some changes make life easier. Some do not. Fortunately, SEOs have a substantial list of evergreen...
Category Pages: When to Create and Optimize

Category Pages: When to Create and Optimize

Aside from the homepage, the most important pages on any website—especially an ecommerce website—are the category pages. They will consistently generate the most organic traffic. Collectively, they will almost always garner more organic traffic than the homepage....