Keyword Research for Search Intent

Keyword Research for Search Intent

In the early days of SEO, rankings were often determined by the number of times a particular keyword was repeated on a page. You could even goose the relevance of a term by putting it in header tags or bolding it. Pretty quickly, keyword stuffing became the quick path...
How To Build Your Content Marketing Funnel

How To Build Your Content Marketing Funnel

By now, you’ve heard about the importance of high-quality content. You may have even started making a list of different blog posts, tweets, and videos you can develop. That’s a good idea because, according to a recent Salesforce blog post 87% of...
How Google Analytics Handles Browser Bookmarks

How Google Analytics Handles Browser Bookmarks

In the past, you may have been told that clicks from a browser bar show up in Google Analytics as Direct Traffic. That, however, is not always the case. Site Traffic from Bookmarks While it is true that someone visiting your site from a bookmark is coming directly to...
Google’s Mobile Quality Guidelines Explained

Google’s Mobile Quality Guidelines Explained

For years, mobile has been the most rapidly increasing source of inbound traffic for websites and it shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. In turn, many site owners have already taken the initiative to develop sites that are mobile-friendly, either via...