15 Tips for Working from Home Successfully

15 Tips for Working from Home Successfully

While many organizations have been offering more part-time (and sometimes full-time) work from home arrangements for employees in recent years, COVID-19 has really accelerated arrangement. Not so much an option as a necessity, working from home is allowing many...
Avoiding the Freakout Mentality

Avoiding the Freakout Mentality

If you work in any environment long enough, you are sure to witness what I call, The Freakout. It’s that moment when someone in the organization has noticed that something has gone wrong. What follows is complete panic as the person starts imagining all of the...
Image Alt Text Optimization for SEO Success

Image Alt Text Optimization for SEO Success

When it comes to on-page optimization, one of the most often overlooked tasks is image alt text optimization. There are several reasons for this. For instance, when you are looking at a page, you can’t see the image alt text. In some cases, the existing image alt text...